There's Treasure Inside You.

How Our Weakness Reveals the Glory of Jesus

📧 In today’s email..

  • đź“• Today’s reading

  • 🙏 The SOAP Devotional of the day

Nahum 1-3; Psalm 149; 2 Corinthians 4

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SOAP: scripture, observation, application, prayer

Today’s SOAP Devotional by Jacob Coyne

S - SCRIPTURE: 2 Corinthians 4:7-11 (NIV):

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that His life may also be revealed in our mortal body."


Paul writes with such passion, revealing a profound mystery: though we are weak and frail, like jars of clay, the treasure of God’s glory lives in us. This treasure, the very life of Jesus, radiates through our brokenness. We are pressed, struck down, and face hardships, but these afflictions are not the end. They are the means by which the life of Jesus is put on display in us. When we are weak, His power is made perfect. When we surrender to His way, even to the point of death, the resurrection life of Christ becomes visible in our frail bodies. The life of Jesus shines brightest in our weakness.


The world tells us to hide our cracks, to mask our brokenness, and to always appear strong. But the way of Jesus is different. He invites us to embrace our weakness, not as a place of defeat, but as the canvas on which His glory is revealed. When you feel crushed, perplexed, or struck down, don’t run away. Instead, lean into Jesus. Trust that His life will flow through you in those moments. Your brokenness is the very place where His presence can be made known. Like clay jars, we are fragile, but we carry the treasure of Christ’s life. The more we surrender, the more His beauty shines through.

Take a moment to pause today and invite Jesus into your weakness. Don’t shy away from the pressure; let it drive you deeper into His presence. Let His life, His power, and His glory be revealed in your vulnerability.


Jesus, I thank You for Your presence within me. Even though I am weak, You are strong. I surrender to You today. I ask that Your life be revealed in my frailty. When I feel pressed, I choose to lean into You. When I am perplexed, I choose to trust You. In every moment of struggle, I invite Your power to be made perfect in me. Shine through my brokenness, Jesus. Let Your glory be seen in my life, so that others may know Your love. Amen.

What is a SOAP?

For each day of Bible reading, we do a SOAP devotional to go deeper into the word of God. We always provide an example SOAP from one of our authors, but we highly encourage you to do your own SOAP with today’s reading. God wants to speak to you personally, and will highlight a passage of today’s reading that’s just for you.

Here’s how it works:

Physically write out the Bible verse
You’ll be amazed at what God will reveal to you when you
slow down to write or meditate on what you are reading!

What do you see in the verses you’re reading?
Who is the audience? Is there a repetition of words? What words stand out to you? What is the main lesson or theme?

When God’s Word becomes personal
What is God saying to me today? How can I apply what I just read to my life? Are there any changes I need to make?

Pray God’s Word back to Him
If He has revealed something to you during this time in His
Word, pray about it. Confess if He has revealed some sin that is in your life. Take time to thank Him for His goodness in your life.

We hope that you took one step further in your walk with Jesus today. 🙏

-Jacob, Colby, and Ryan