Luke 6: You don't have God if you don't have love.

How to love your enemies

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Luke 6

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SOAP: scripture, observation, application, prayer

Today’s SOAP Devotional by Jacob Coyne

S - SCRIPTURE:  Luke 6:35 

“But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High.”


Jesus challenges us to love radically, even our enemies. This love is not based on emotion but on action: doing good, blessing, and giving without expectation. Jesus embodied this love when He came to earth—not for those who loved Him but for sinners who rejected Him. Christmas is the ultimate picture of sacrificial love.


Who in your life is hard to love? How can you extend the love of Jesus to them this Christmas? Ask Him to fill your heart with His love, even for those who have hurt you.


Jesus, Your love knows no bounds. Teach me to love like You, even when it’s hard. Fill my heart with Your grace and compassion this Christmas.

Theological Quote:
“Love is the greatest of all virtues, for it alone unites us to God.” – St. Thomas Aquinas

Christmas Hymn:
“Truly He taught us to love one another; His law is love and His gospel is peace.” – O Holy Night

Declaration of Truth:
Jesus, You are the perfect example of love. I will love others as You have loved me, trusting Your Spirit to empower me.

What is a SOAP?

For each day of Bible reading, we do a SOAP devotional to go deeper into the word of God. We always provide an example SOAP from one of our authors, but we highly encourage you to do your own SOAP with today’s reading. God wants to speak to you personally, and will highlight a passage of today’s reading that’s just for you.

Here’s how it works:

Physically write out the Bible verse
You’ll be amazed at what God will reveal to you when you
slow down to write or meditate on what you are reading!

What do you see in the verses you’re reading?
Who is the audience? Is there a repetition of words? What words stand out to you? What is the main lesson or theme?

When God’s Word becomes personal
What is God saying to me today? How can I apply what I just read to my life? Are there any changes I need to make?

Pray God’s Word back to Him
If He has revealed something to you during this time in His
Word, pray about it. Confess if He has revealed some sin that is in your life. Take time to thank Him for His goodness in your life.

We hope that you took one step further in your walk with Jesus today. 🙏

-Jacob and Colby